"Behind Cut" tells the story of two men working towards their dreams together. The story revolves around Ki Jin, a design student with aspirations to become a world-famous designer, and Yeong Woo, who works part-time as a delivery man with a bright personality, and their struggles of work and love. Korea's top model Lee Bin comes into the picture and is expected to give the story a heart aching love triangle97韩剧网在线播放超清覆盖全网各大影视资源站热播电视剧,电影,动漫,高清影视剧又名高清影视剧、动漫、纪录片HD高清全集在线播放院线电影推荐。HD在线观看完整版视频观看电视剧免费全集观看97韩剧网,厚德电影网飘花电影网最新电影,韩国电视剧、香港TVB电视剧、日本动漫